Make a donation today
Your donation will fund new running shoes for lower-income children and activities that will strengthen confidence, establish healthy lifestyle, continuing education.
Make A Donation Today
In the few years that Running Forward has been operating in Salt Lake City’s Title 1 elementary schools, the program has progressed from 1 school with 15 students to 6 schools with 150 students! With such rapid growth realized in just a few years and our hope to continue to reach out to even more students, we depend a great deal on generous community donations and volunteers. None of our volunteers or board members are paid for their service: all donations go directly to funding the purchase of running shoes for each of our students and other running equipment for our teams. We rely on charitable contributions from the community to continue Running Forward! Please assist us in continuing this program for Utah students by donating now!
Participating Schools
Total Student Participants
Yearly Volunteer Hours
Pair of Shoes Donated
Dollars Spent by Participants
What Our Principal's are saying

Lizzie Thompson

Emma Velasquez